
Anastasia (1997) - Review

Heute möchte ich euch über einen sehr schönen und zugleich auch spannenden Zeichentrickfilm berichten: Anastasia Alle, die sich etwas für die Geschichte der Welt interessieren, wird dieser Name kein unbekannter sein: Anastasia war die jüngste Tochter von insgesamt 5 Kindern (4 Mädchen und 1 Junge;...

Peter schießt den Vogel ab (1959) - Review

Heute möchte ich euch über einen weiteren Film von Peter Alexander berichten, den man kennenlernen sollte: Peter schießt den Vogel ab Peter Schatz arbeitet als Portier in einem sehr schicken Parkhotel in Bad Hohenluft. Er übt diesen Beruf mit Leidenschaft aus, denn er behandelt jeden einzelnen...

MA 2412 - Review

Heute wird es besonders lustig mit den (un)beliebten Beamten Michael "Mike" Weber, Ing. Engelbert Breitfuss, Herr Klaus und deren sehr geschätzten Sekretärin Silvia Knackal: MA 2412 Wer kennt das nicht, du musst Behördenwege erledigen und dafür musst du sogar teilweise viel Zeit einplanen. Aber...

Dolce Vita and Co - Review

Today I want to tell you about a austrian series that everyone knows in the country and which you should know about it too: Dolce Vita and Co. It is about a father called Mario Hubinger. He has a great wife who works a lot and three kids who a great and sometimes cheeky too. One day Mario wants to...

Anna & the Love - Review

Today I want tell you about a german series where a woman falls in love with the boss' son of the advertising agency "Broda & Broda". It is a typical girls show, so for everyone who has already enough of that shouldn't continue to read ;-) Like I wrote before it is a typical girls show: Anna...

Pumuckl - Review

Today's review is about a little guy that everyone in Austria and Germany knows: Pumuckl How can I describe that little guy? It's simple: Pumuckl was a little red head goblin who was probably a thousand year old, even if he didn't look like that. He was a really funny "boy" who wanted to see the...

James Bond: Gold Finger (1964) - Review

This time around we look back at the older films as we re-live the 1960s again by covering a James Bond movie for the second time in this magazine. The 3rd installment "Gold Finger" is a British spy film starring Sean Connery who reprises his role as the main character 007. It is based on the...

The Hangover - Review

The Hangover is a 2009 American comedy film directed by Todd Phillips. The title itself is one to make you curious in what kind of events occur in the movie. Jon Lucas and Scot Moore were writers of the script which was inspired by an incident that happened to the executive producer Chris Bender's...

Transformers - Review

If you were ever a fan of Transformers at a young age then the prospect of it becoming a film must've been exciting. The development of the film project began in 2003 with Don Murphy and Tom DeSanto who were joined by Steven Spielberg a year later. Steven went on to hire Robert Orci and Alex...

Night at the Museum - Review

Surely we all remember the one and only Robin Williams. It's exactly 2 years since he passed away and we felt it was important for us to honour such a legend by doing a review on one of his movies at this point. We rewind back to 10 years ago when we were introduced to the first installment of the...